Proposed amendments to the price preference system for metal scrap

Under the auspices of the Department of Economic Development, International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) is conducting a review of the current export control measures that are in place for ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste and scrap. …

Anti-dumping sunset review on stainless steel sinks

ITAC has initiated a sunset review on kitchen sinks manufactured in or imported from China and Malaysia, under tariff subheading 7324.10. The table below shows the existing anti-dumping duty structure on kitchen sinks: Producer Country of…

Annual structural changes to the Customs tariff – 2015

Once a year, SARS accepts applications from interested companies to change the structure of the tariff book, with most of these changes taking the form of the addition of new tariff lines.  These additions to the…

Duties removed on graphite electrodes

The normal Customs duties on graphite electrodes, imported under tariff subheading 8545.11, was increased to 10% in November 2013.  Subsequent to the duty increase, the only local producer of graphite electrodes shut down their domestic production and…

Duties increased on vitrifiable enamels

The duties have been increased on vitrifiable enamels imported under tariff subheading 3207.20.10, from zero to 5%. The tariff heading 3207.20 which attracted no duty has been split to include two new tariff subheadings as follows: 3207.20.10 Vitrifiable…

Duties increased on wire of iron or non-alloy steel

The duties have been increased on wire of iron or non-alloy steel, plated or clad with other base metals, classifiable under tariff subheading 7212.30, from free of duty to 10%. The application had been brought by Natstan Wire, and…

Anti-dumping case initiated on cement from Pakistan

A consortium of South African cement producers brought an anti-dumping application on Portland cement, imported under tariff subheading 2523.29.  They have requested an anti-dumping duty of 48%.  The consortium comprises the following producers: Afrisam Limited LaFarge…

Rebate application on caustic soda

NCP Chlorchem have brought an application for a rebate of duty on sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), in aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) imported under tariff subheading 2815.12, for use in the manufacture of sodium…

Anti-dumping duties maintained on wire rope and cables as well as stranded wire

ITAC have completed the sunset review on: Wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from the UK and Germany; Stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12,7mm from…

Anti-dumping case on frozen potato chips finalised

Anti-dumping duty on frozen potato chips imposed, but deferred ITAC have finalised the anti-dumping investigation into frozen potato chips from Belgium and the Netherlands, imported under tariff subheading 2004.10.90.  The result of the decision appears to…

Poultry for AGOA

South Africa has offered the USA better access to the South African poultry market in exchange for providing South Africa with continued access to the US market under AGOA. South Africa’s anti-dumping duties against US bone-in…

Anti-dumping duties extended on Gypsum Plasterboard imported from Indonesia and Thailand

ITAC have decided to extend the anti-dumping duties on gypsum plasterboard, imported under tariff subheading 6809.11, from Indonesia and Thailand for another 5 years.  The duties will be kept at their existing levels of 45% for…

Safeguard duties imposed on frozen potato chips

Final safeguard duties imposed Definitive safeguard duties of 40.92% will be imposed on frozen chips classifiable under tariff subheading 2004.10.90, from 25 July 2014 – 4 July 2015. Because safeguard duties need to reduce each year,…

Automotive Investment Schemes Guidelines Amended

The Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS) and the People-carrier Automotive Investment Scheme (P-AIS) revised guidelines has been approved by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies. The revised guidelines are effective from 1 April 2014.…

Duty increase application on certain wire products

Hendok (Pty) Ltd has brought an application on various wire products, as follows: Tariff Product Existing duty Requested duty Imports (Jan 13 to Apr 14) 7217.20 Wire of non-allow steel: Plated or coated with zinc Zero…

Application to increase duties on lead acid batteries

Powertech Batteries and First National Battery, jointly brought an application to increase the duties on Lead acid batteries (mainly, but not only, automotive batteries), imported under tariff subheading 8507.10, from the existing 5% duty to 30%.  This…

Inclusion on preserved mussels in duty increase

ITAC intended, but forgot to include, mussels imported under tariff subheading 1605.53, in its duty increase implementation in December 2012.  The original duty increase focused on fresh and smoked mussels, whereas the most recent proposal looks…

Duty reduced on stranded wire

A new tariff code (7312.10.10) has been created to reduce the rate of customs duty on stranded wire, of wire which is plated, coated or clad with copper zinc base alloys (brasses), from 5% to free…

Alcohol content of wine redefined

SARS issued a set of 3 gazettes on the 4th July to indicate that wine will now be defined as having a minimum alcohol content of 4.5% (down from 6.5%).  The impact of this is to…

Rebate on lighting ballasts extended

The existing rebate of duty on Electronic ballasts for the manufacture of flourescent lamps, imported under tariff subheading 8539.31.90, has been extended from a minimum power rating of 8W to 5W.  There full duty can be rebated…

Preliminary anti-dumping duty announced on chicken imported from Europe

ITAC have announced preliminary duties on bone-in chicken imported under tariff subheading 0207.14.90 from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, as follows: Country Company Preliminary duty Germany Wiesenhof 31.30% Germany All besides Wiesenhof 73.33% Netherlands Frisia…

Duty reduced on sugar

The duty on sugar, imported under the following tariff subheadings has been reduced from R1.32 per kg, to R0.926 per kg with immediate effect: 1701.12 (Beet sugar) 1701.13 and 1701.14 (Cane sugar) 1701.91 (Containing flavouring or…

Customs Control Bill rules released for comment

On 17 June 2014, The South African Revenue Services (SARS) published the Rules for Chapters 1 to 10 (excluding chapters 2 and 6) in support of the current Customs Control Bill: B45B of 2013.  The Customs…

Preliminary anti-dumping duty on chips expires

An anti-dumping duty was imposed on 20 December 2013, on frozen chips, imported under tariff subheading 2004.10.20.  The preliminary duties imposed were as follows: Supplier Provisional duty Country of origin Clarebout 6.19% Belgium Other Belgian suppliers…

Final duty on frozen chips still pending

Outstanding safeguard and anti-dumping duty on chips Whilst the preliminary safeguard duty on chips expired a few months ago and the preliminary anti-dumping duty on chips expired on Friday (20 June 2014), the final safeguard and…

New anti-dumping application on wheelbarrows from China

Dumping of wheelbarrows from China? Lasher Tools have brought an anti-dumping application on wheelbarrows from China, imported under tariff subheading 8716.80.10.  They are requesting an anti-dumping duty of 505.33% on all Chinese wheelbarrows (with this duty being…

Duty increase application on helical springs

Possible duty increase on bed springs Bedding Component Manufacturers brought an application to increase the duties on helical springs, from the existing duty rate of 5% to the maximum bound rate of 30%.  The duty increase…

Anti-dumping duties coming up for review

ITAC have announced that the following anti-dumping duties will be expiring in March 2015.  Domestic producers who wish to have these duties extended have a limited amount of time to apply for a sunset review (please…

Final anti-dumping duty imposed on soda ash from the USA

Soda ash anti-dumping case finalised ITAC have published the final anti-dumping duties on soda ash imported from the USA, with the following anti-dumping duties being imposed: OCI Chemical Corporation:    21% Tata Chemicals Partners:    …

Chicken traders not welcome in SA

EU chicken traders submissions rejected by ITAC ITAC, the International Trade Administration Commission, has just issued its letters to interested parties indicating whether their information would be taken into consideration in ITAC’s preliminary determination in the…