Global Trade Advisors.
So we are expert advisory consultants in the field of global trade.
As we move from an era of opening markets, through the depression of 2008, we find more companies requesting more protection in more countries. Trade keeps increasing but the costs embedded in the supply chain are significantly higher than even 2 years ago. Add to this increased costs of compliance, import duties and other barriers to trade and actually trading anything is a lot more difficult.
XA understands these complexities
and has been advising companies on how to navigate this complex terrain for years.
At the core of everything we do, is a team of outliers that make it happen.
Find out more about our humans here.
No member of the XA team, more than twenty at last count, wants the easy option. The hands go up the fastest when the solutions appear most distant.
And those hands belong to an extraordinary bunch of talented humans. Hard-bitten veterans of trade wars, eager faces fresh from landing another qualification, team players with an unquenchable thirst for mentoring, lone mavericks triggering unexpected lines of enquiry …
XA has them all.
Difficult is good
Difficult is good is a space where we share stories, news, and anything worthwhile about people doing great things.
Find out more.
To conclude, here’s a pledge we make to all past, current and future clients:
We promise to do better next time.
I beg your pardon? Confused at this apparent admission of weakness?
Far from it. It’s just our way of showing that we can continuously improve, without exception, and with the whole team on board. We review every piece of work at its conclusion, to find what we have learned, and how even the best-managed projects can be improved further still.
It’s not easy, but we never said it would be.
Difficult is good.
It’s at this point that the chest beating gains even greater momentum.
At XA many clients prefer the confidentiality of anonymity.
So here, entirely logo-free, are some of the categories we’ve worked within.
Earth-moving equipment
Chips, aluminium, metal recycling, food production, agriculture.
We are a data driven organisation.
Trade Central is a place where we share news, statistics, and nuggets of important trade-related information.
Find out more.
And if you don’t believe that, the proof is only a mail or a message away.
Just complete this form
Bradenham Hall – North Block 7 Mellis Road, Rivonia
South Africa
Contact Details
Phone: +27 (0) 12 665 1271