Duty reduction on canned minced anchovies


On 1 March 2024, ITAC published an amendment on the duty reduction of Canned minced anchovies through the creation of 8-digit tariff lines for the subject product. The newly prescribed duties have decreased from 25% to 6c/kg.

Unique Selling Points (Namibia) CC, a company aiming to provide a low-cost protein source for low-income individuals in Southern Africa, applied for a reduction in the duty rates on canned minced anchovies. They argued that the product wouldn’t compete with local offerings and should be categorised as other imported canned fish products with lower duty rates.

The commission has granted the duty reduction application for canned minced anchovies, establishing new 8-digit tariff lines for the product.

Tariff HeadingArticle DescriptionGeneralEU/UKEFTASADCMERCOSURAfCFTA
1604.20.31Canned, minced anchovies6c/kgfreefreefree6c/kg6c/kg
1604.20.45Other sardines (pilchards) (Sardinops spp.) and sardinella (Sardinella spp.), minced, in airtight containers for human consumption6c/kgfreefreefree6c/kg6c/kg

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