C Van Miert Pluimveeslachterij BV exempted from chicken anti-dumping duties


The incorrectly imposed anti-dumping duties on bone-in chicken from C van Miert Pluimveeslachterij BV (van Miert), have been removed. Finally.

Van Miert is a Dutch producer of chicken, who were found not to be dumping in the 2013 anti-dumping investigation against bone-in chicken from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. When the sunset review was carried out in 2020 (these happen 5 years after an anti-dumping duty has been imposed), they were saddled with the maximum anti-dumping duty for the Netherlands of 22.81%.

If you were found not to be dumping in the past, you are automatically deemed to not be dumping when the case is reviewed 5 years later. In other words, van Miert should have simply had their duty-free status extended for another 5 years when the sunset review completed, rather than being treated as a non-cooperating party.

These duties have finally been removed, although it unfortunately, took approaching the court to get them removed.

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