Anti-dumping duties imposed on frozen chips from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany


On 18 May 2023, ITAC imposed anti-dumping duties on frozen potato chips originating or imported from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, as follows:

Country of origin Producer/exporterFinal dumping duties
Belgium Agristo N.V 9.82%
Lutosa S.A 9.73%
N.V Mydibel S.A16.89%
Clarebout N.V.Zero
All other producers/exporters67.33%
NetherlandsAviko B.V 8.80%
Farm Frites International 19.60%
All other producers/exporters239.10%
GermanyAll the producers/exporters181.05%

We have received the board report and will soon receive the calculations. We will post an update shortly.

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